Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Blessed Be Your Name

The Bible tells us to give thanks in all things. It's so easy to praise God and to give thanks when everything is going according to "our plans" but certainly we all seem to struggle with giving thanks in the midst of the painful times. God's word teaches us that He uses those times for good... He grows us and teaches us to become more dependent on Him. To trust as we maybe never have before.

On Sunday we went to church and one of the songs that we sang was the song "Blessed Be Your Name". I love that song and it is such a reminder of how we need to praise our God.

We are still in the "desert place" as Bob has not found a job yet, but I can honestly say I feel God's peace in the midst of it all. I think that in some ways it actually has been a "Good" time for Bob and I. We haven't spent this much time together since I was pregnant with Robert some 35 years ago. I think that it has brought us closer and helped us both to remember God's faithfulness at other low points in our lives.

So I will say .... Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name... Blessed be the name of the Lord...Blessed be Your glorious name.


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